All posts by brian_condon

London Creative and Digital Fusion – Inspire [ONE] Event

Not really a ‘launch’ as the partners have been working together for some months now – but an event to mark the delivery of the new website and an opportunity to present London Fusion to a wider group.

Here’s an Audioboo with Cathy Garner – who talks about #LondonFusion and what we’re all going to be doing. Through C4CC, I’m one of the project team working with Cathy on the project.

I’m liveblogging using CoverItLive here:


The gap between Science and Policy

Culture clash

bridging the divide between science and policy

Storified by Brian_Condon · Sat, Dec 01 2012 14:43:53

Culture clash – bridging the divide between science and policy | The Institute for GovernmentThis is the first in a series of four seminars looking at ways in which government can make more effective use of scientists and scientific advice to improve policymaking.
• Mark Henderson, author of The Geek Manifesto
• Katrina Williams, Director General for Strategy, Evidence and Consumers, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
• Chi Onwurah, Shadow Minister for Innovation and Science, MP for Newcastle Central
• Professor Rod Smith, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Transport

The session will be chaired by Jill Rutter, Programme Director, Institute for Government.

Our #scipol event with @CSciPol , @SPRU , @sciencewise and Alliance for Useful Evidence is just getting started @instituteforgov
Panel at #scipol
Jill Rutter notes that this is the first of 4 events and the promptest audience ever (someone mutters “that’s scientists for you”)
Checking in at @instituteforgov for their Culture Clash debate with @ChiOnwurah @markgfh Prof Rod Smith and Katrina Williams #scipol
.@jameswilsdon introduces the rest of the #scipol series – see here for more information
Mark Henderson starts by pointing out that there is only one PhD level scientist in Parliament, a few engineers (Chi for example) a few doctors.
so it’s @markghfh first. Qu he’s answering? how can science play more of a role in policy making? #scipol
RT @cath_haddon: At event on how to bridge gap between science and policy. @jillongovt starts with a bit of #geekmanifesto. #scipol
Mark Henderson and Chi Onruwah at #scipol
A key problem is the background of our MPs, says @markgfh. You don’t need to have a scientific background to contribute, but…. #scipol
James Wilsdon’s Twitter PhotoHere’s @markgfh with @ChiOnwurah at first of our events on scientific advice. See @ifgevents & #scipol for live tweets.
Here’s Mark’s blog
The Geek ManifestoOver the past few weeks, it’s been great to see so many positive responses from MPs who’ve received a copy of The Geek Manifesto from a constituent. A fair number are reading it already, with others looking to do so over the summer recess. Here are a few I’ve gathered already.
Henderson: Very difficult to get beyond ~80 MPs who have had direct engagement in science. As result, policy manages science poorly. #scipol
.@markgfh says that very legislators come from science background, similar situation in civil service #scipol
.@markgfh quotes Carl Sagan: "Science is much more than a body of knowledge, it’s a way of thinking" #scipol
An appreciation of science by policy-makers is needed – yet not really evidenced as mostly politicians prefer “policy-based evidence” .
.@markgfh: although government often talks about evidence-based policy, too often we get policy-based evidence #scipol
RT @beck_smith: You can read the report that @markgfh referred to at the start on CSAs on our website: #scipol
CaSE Chief Scientific Advisor ScorecardResponding to a House of Lords Science and Technology Committee inquiry into the work of departmental Chief Scientific Advisors (CSA), CaSE has compiled a scorecard to rate the suitability of each current departmental CSA up to September 2011. The scorecard has found "huge inconsistencies in science advice in government".
Science is not just a bunch of knowledge it’s a way of thinking that policy could benefit from says @markjfh #scipol
Henderson says failure to embed scientific evidence in policy making leads to policy errors @instituteforgov #scipol
Henderson: Too little realisation that some of experimental approaches developed in science are applicable to social issues. #scipol
RT @jameswilsdon: Here’s @markgfh with @ChiOnwurah at first of our events on scientific advice. See @ifgevents & #scipol for live tweets. Burall
this is not to say that evidence is always present – eg volcanic ash – when govt needs to act immediately #scipol
key is, says @markgfh, to ensure you learn from how a policy works, even in absence of evidence. #scipol
Henderson: Where not enough evidence, need to approach as natural experiment where collect evidence on the way. #scipol
…but main problem is absence in politics of science as way of thinking – the most reliable way we have – Mark Henderson at #scipol
By saying that evidence is only factor to decide policy, it’s necessary but not sufficient. @markjfh #scipol
scientific evidence is necessary but rarely sufficient for ministers to take evidence, says @markgfh #scipol
we’re now getting the roll call of successes from the last govt from @ChiOnwurah. Chief Scientific Advisors etc etc #scipol
#scipol @ChiOnwurah – Scientific advice in government has got better over the last 15 years. Also mentioned #nuttsack. It’ll never die.
Listening to Chi Onwurah, a black female MP who spent >20yrs as an electrical engineer. Respect. #scipol
#scipol @ChiOnwurah 1 in 10 children play down their scientific background or fear of bullying. Government is the school playground!
@chionruwah at #scipol "there is a clear relationship between what happens in the playground and in government" [laughter]
"Science and engineering must be valued across society" says @ChiOnwurah #scipol
One in five UK girks plays down her ability in maths because it’s not cool 🙁 #scipol
<There is a clear relation between the playground & Government… neither fully values science> says @ChiOnwurah #scipol
All but one of the members of the previous Chinese politburo was an engineer, the other a geologist, says @chiOnwurah #scipol
Chi Onwurah echoes @ProspectUnion concern that Govt Depts don’t know how many scientists or engineers they employ #scipol
Chi Onruwah argues that Parliament would work better and we’d get better government and decisions if we had better engagement by scientists in policy-making – and not just in emergencies.
"We need parliament to have a broader skills base in science and engineering" – also in the Civil Service
Although we aren’t actually turning to the future here, but criticising current practice again. #scipol
.@ChiOnwurah sometimes "a view of scientific research as an eternally pointless exercise" by parl. Shd be seen as "critical friend" #scipol
.@ChiOnwurah says government needs to look to scientists regularly, not just in crises #scipol
RT @sburall: She’s calling for more outrage from scientists/ learned institutions when evidence is abused by politicians. #scipol
Onwurah: Science needs to be critical friend to government. [Calling for more shouting at politicians] #scipol
reflections on transition from Treasury to Defra by @jillongovt. What does a generalist do with evidence from scientists? #scipol
#scipol @ChiOnwurah’s speech just now was great – very perceptive of the current issues, very happy for science if she takes the lead
Now hearing from Katrina Williams from Defra.
Now up, Katrina Williams DG for Strategy, Evidence and Consumers DEFRA. talking about need to get up to speed with scientific advice #scipol
Katrina Williams from @DefraGovUK talks about working with scientists in Defra – as an English graduate #scipol
Williams talking about the importance of relationships with scientists and experts in her past work. #scipol
Her qu, how do policy makers work better with scientists? Her lessons from working with scientists #scipol
Both sides need to give each other permission to ask dumb questions, these are times when most productive discussions happened #scipol
Respect and recognise cultural differences een scientists vs policy makers #scipol
Katrina Williams offering good insights on how a generalist works well with a specialist in #scipol. It can be a culture clash
scientists go at each other really vigorously, in ways policy makers struggle to recognise, #scipol
"Ask the dumb question" – now we’re getting to the scientific method! #scipol
Williams: Need to recognise and respect cultural differences – e.g. the rough and tumble of scientific debate. #scipol
Knowing what questions to ask, and making the questions definitive (sometimes difficult with scientists) is a good way to get at sand advice she argues.
She wants to nail down scientific colleagues to get them to be clear about the question that is being asked #scipol
#scipol Kat Williams: ‘Pure’ scientists and ‘Applied’ scientists are both valuable to the policy making process, in different ways
key question is finding a common language, esp around risk, and developing a way of describing it #scipol
But big difference between govt working better on science in policy versus how science can help politics think about all issues. #scipol
Williams: One area where scientists and policy makers can work really well is about how to describe & communicate risk. #scipol
develop time up front to make sure that you are asking the right question <this is true for #publicengagement too #scipol
Katrina Williams, DG @DefraGovUK: Need to be able to ask each other the "dumb questions", this is where most productive convs occur. #scipol
Interesting to hear Katrina Williams discussing the nexus between scientists, decision makers and the communication of risk #scipol
Good teams will say, you don’t need me, you need this specialist #scipol
Now moving to challenges for the future – starting with resources. Risk is that this makes govt more proscriptive about evi it wants #scipol
Katrina Williams: "Good policy is done by teams, must draw on experiential sources as well as formal sources." #scipol
Katrina Williams speaks while Jill Rutter and Rod Smith listen hard at #scipol
#scipol Katrina highlighted the importance of communicating science – yeah!! Scientists, write, speak, and as Jean Luc says, Engage!
Now Prof. Rod Smith, Chief Scientific Adviser for DfT. #scipol
Now up is Prof Rod Smith – not a scientist but an engineer. What’s the difference he asks us? #scipol
Now Professor Rod Smith, chief scientific adviser from @transportgovuk (although he’s really an engineer) #scipol
Early in his career told, when in doubt ask. this is difficult, but important #scipol
Rod mentions CP Snow’s Two Cultures lecture.
The Two CulturesThe notion that our society, its education system and its intellectual life, is characterized by a split between two cultures–the arts or humanities on one hand, and the sciences on the other–has a long history.
Science used loosely as a term tonight. Need more engineering not science advice because it’s about doing… #scipol
#scipol Rod Smith – We don’t need more scientific advice, we need more engineering advice in policy processes. Wait, what?
Smith: Need more engineering advice in policy, because engineering is about doing things, rather than talking about them. #scipol
#scipol Not sure why it has to be an either/or case for science and engineering. Both valuable in different scenarios. Use where required.
Smith: Went back to read CP Snow from 1959; an era which believed science had helped win the war, great belief in nuclear #scipol
Smith: Breakdown in confidence of science and technology to solve our problems. #scipol
Rod Smith, Chief Sci Adviser to Dep of Transport discusses belief in science as answer to all world’s ills: a "post-war hangover". #scipol
Glad C.P. Snow got a mention. Very nearly mentioned R.V. Jones as well. #scipol why don’t we have initials instead of first names anymore?
Smith: Chief scientists can get it wrong. We need much wider debate. #scipol
Smith: we should extend PPE degrees to Physics and Engineering, we specialise far too early #scipol
#scipol Wow – about half of the audience here are scientists! Great to see so many, and so diverse too 🙂
Professor Rod Smith discussing the benefit of cross-disciplinary intercourse. Good to hear! #scipol
Rod Smith arguing we need broader univ education with a sci component – was tried in 60s but sabotaged by science faculties! #scipol
How many of the non-scientists and engineers can disting een mass and weight? None answer, 1/2 #scipol
2/2 this is CP Snow’s equivalent of being able to read says Smith #scipol
Rod Smith arguing we need broader univ education with a sci component – was tried in 60s but sabotaged by science faculties! #scipol
#scipol Smith says a sci/eng educated public is a major priority. Also what Onwurah said
Rod Smith at @instituteforgov event stimulates the question of if engineers give different sorts of advice to scientists when CSAs #scipol
Smith: We should learn about science & engineering at school, not for careers, but so we can think more critically #scipol
Now talking about natural limits to current transport system and what does society think about this? need all forms evi #scipol
Smith: Big job to involve society in series of questions which answers to could constrain their behaviour. #scipol
Williams – it takes time, having right people in room and finding the right language. #scipol
I just asked at #scipol how policy makers can balance technical evidence, with what the public are saying
#scipol @sburall asks where does the public voice come into all of this? Bloody good question!!
Do scientists need to engineer the policy system so that it can take longer term decisions beyond the electoral cycle #scipol
Interesting question on the downgrading of role of Chief Scientific Advisors in gov. #scipol
Answer: Rod Smith a bit equivocal. Financial downgrade probably most important – could be a factor in getting quality candidates #scipol
Williams: it’s how well-integrated scientists are in policy process that matters, not what grade they are #scipol
Good qu. from @ret_ward about recent letter from @SirBobKerslake endorsing appointment of CSAs below Board level. Lowers status? #scipol
#scipol my qu being reinterpreted to ask how politicians avoid mob rule – also a fair qu and came up in #pasc this morning too.
who’s to blame for scientists and engineers not being involved? Scis and eng’s, if you don’t turn up you can’t be involved, @markgfh #scipol
#scipol I important point about perception of status of science if CSA appointed at lower level from Mark Henderson
"Politics gets done by those who turn up" says Mark Henderson #scipol – and it’s critical that science and technology aware people "turn up"
#scipol key theme of the evening seems to be that problem lies in science not engaging with politics at grassroots level
Can’t see any suggestions how to get scientists to ‘turn up’ to politics more. They hate the idea of being party political. #scipol
RT @Protohedgehog: #scipol @markgfh – Where are the public policy units at other universities? Cambridge has one, why don’t others?? Hi @imperialcollege
And @SciCommForum is coming for them! MT @jlush2: #scipol key theme seems to be problem lies in science not engaging at grassroots level
Most of comments on public engagement in science seem focused on communicating science, rather than having conversation. #scipol
Smith: deplores culture of instant comment, saying we need to stop and find out what’s happening is often the right answer #scipol
.@AdamCommentism I think that’s true, it’s about more scientists in government not politics #scipol
#scipol @AdamCommentism an interesting qu, how important is it to get scientists into govt rather than politics. Not thought about that
.@markgfh drops the Melanie Philip’s stat: she’s been on BBC Question Time more times than all scientists combined. #scipol
.@markgfh: media culture never asks scientists to comment on politics or policy, sense that they are ghettoised in media #scipol
.@ChiOnwurah scientific/engineering institutions need to provide scientists with media training and encourage them to write to MPs #scipol
Quality of debate in House of Commons has sometimes been "frankly embarrassing" says @markgfh; better in Lords but that’s no answer. #scipol
#scipol @markgfh – House of Lords might have more trained scientists than House of Commons, but we can’t leave it at that!
#scipol qu: can scientists be generalists, ie if you’ve got specialist knowledge do you get typecast. <interesting question
Q from audience whether scientists want to raise head above parapet in media or gov influence – cited L’aquila earthquake case. #scipol
#scipol Moving on to the L’Aquila verdict. Seems like geologists are becoming big global players in policy, for one reason or another..
@Protohedgehog but have any geologists, rather than retreating,stood up to say l’Aquila makes them more determined to give advice? #scipol
#scipol "Galileo was put on trial – there’s a long history of it.." argues Rod Smith Chief Scientist Dept for Transport!
Smith: scientists shouldn’t be too worried about L’Aquila case, Italy also put Galileo on trial… #scipol
Rod smith: was serious discussion in gov science circles about L’aquila implications. But think it is outlier and will be fixed. #scipol
Important that scientists shouldn’t be "stuck", good to have an opportunity to be involved in policy making, can be very enriching. #scipol
Williams: we must stop describing people as generalists, instead we need to focus what specialisms people bring #scipol
Some dodgy generalisation from poorly understood cases (eg Italian geologists trial) here – doesn’t seem very scientific 🙂 #scipol
L’aquila case not as simple as anti-science. Issue was how risk was communicated. #scipol
.@chionwurah Clearing up some confusion about the L’Aquila trial, brings up questions about understanding and communicating risk. #scipol
Am sure the L’Aquila scientists are comforted by the historical factoid that Italy also tried Galileo. #scipol
Chi Onruwah makes the point:
‘This idea that being a historian you become a generalist and as a scientist you become a specialist is wrong’ hear hear. #scipol
.@ChiOnwurah: the debates we have in politics should be about values, not underlying evidence #scipol
Point from floor: Good policy making takes into account evidence and values. Problems caused when two are confused. #scipol
Question: neat divide between evidence and values isn’t the right way of handling this debate, need to look at how they interact #scipol
. @chionwurah saying science shouldn’t be boxed as niche. Don’t disagree, but add that historian skills can also be a specialism #scipol
#scipol @beck_smith of @sciencecampaign asks how are disproportionate cuts to dept R&D budgets going to affect evidence-based policy? Bam.
#scipol Very interesting that the over-arching theme seems to be that scientists need to engage more – a supply more than a demand issue?
Williams: ‘randomised control trials’ sound ‘a bit scary’ there’s work to be done in explaining what they are #scipol
#scipol Hideous explanation of why we don’t have more RCTs from Williams – "don’t they sound scary to people?" (Cc @AdamCommentism)
Our work on disproportionate cuts to Govt R&D budget cuts I just asked about can be seen here: #scipol
Government R&D hit by disproportionate cutsWhitehall departments have cut their research and development (RD) budgets disproportionately, a new CaSE investigation has found – despite suggestions that such spending would be protected. Read exclusive coverage in the Financial Times. Government funds science through Research Council grants, and by giving research money to universities through Hefce and its equivalents – two kinds of spending jointly referred to as the Science Budget.
. @chionwurah on science dept spend (& dept spend generally) we only see what they cut, not forecast. So can’t discuss poss impact. #scipol
#scipol Onwurah – I use a lot of my engineering training and skills as a politician. But big shift in terms of work not speaking for itself
Now discussing how different values brought by people to the debate influence their interpretation of evidence and how policy flows from this – interesting point by Mark Henderson.

Cruel Britannia – a Frontline Club event

"Cruel Britannia"

Discussing Britain’s record….

Storified by Brian_Condon · Thu, Nov 15 2012 15:03:58

Frontline Club Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of TortureCruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture November 15, 2012 7:00 PM From the Second World War to the War on Terror, via Kenya and Northern Ireland award-winning investigative journalist Ian Cobain’s new book Cruel Britannia explores Britain’s role in the development and use of torture.
Cruel Britannia by Ian Cobain – ‘To get to the truth I needed to keep asking questions …’
Ian Cobain, an investigative journalist with the Guardian and author of Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture. His inquiries into the UK’s involvement with torture since 9/11 have won the Martha Gellhorn Prize and the Paul Foot Award for investigative journalism, and has been shortlisted for the Orwell Prize.
"To get to the truth, I needed to keep asking questions…"#cruelbritannia
Chaired by Humphrey Hawksley, leading BBC foreign correspondent, author and commentator on world affairs.
Humphrey HawksleyHumphrey Hawksley Humphrey Hawksley is a leading BBC foreign correspondent, author and commentator on world affairs. For more than twenty years he has reported on key trends, events and conflicts from all over the world.
With:Clive Baldwin, the Senior Legal Advisor for the Legal and Policy office at Human Rights Watch, where he has been working on issues of international law since 2007. 

Rt Hon David Davis MP, Member of Parliament for Haltemprice and Howden since 1997 and former Shadow Home Secretary. As a Minister in the last Conservative government he served in the Cabinet Office and the Foreign Office. 

 Dr Ruth Blakeley, a senior lecturer in International Relations at the University of Kent. Her research focuses on state violence and terrorism, particularly by liberal democratic states.

I’m at the @frontlineclub for "Cruel Britannia" with @iancobain and hwhawksley; excellent panel
At the @frontlineclub talk by @IanCobain on Cruel Britannia about to start #britain #secret #history of #torture
At the @frontlineclub for Ian Cobain’s talk about #fccruelbritannia
Hawksley asks who in the room has been a victim of torture – one person puts up their hand. He asks who has been on the other side – three people put their hands up. David Davis MP holds up his hand and says “we are all complicit”
Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torturefrontlineclub
A pattern of torture suggests a policy of torture, says Ian Cobain #fccruelbritannia
Clive Baldwin from Human Rights Watch: definition of torture is serious physical or psychological harm #fccruelbritannia
Dr Ruth Blakely: we must remember the international context of torture – many countries complicit not just Britain #fccruelbritannia
The atmosphere in the room is very cold – people listening hard and concentrating on the views of the panelists. It’s, as you might expect, a very serious mood – especially when Blakeley says “British context”.
Packed room at #frontlineclub for panel discussion on torture King
David Davis MP – torture was seen to be in the greater good #fccruelbritannia
David Davis : ticking bomb scenario as seen in 24 never happens in real life #fccruelbritannia
Clive Baldwin: the Bush administration redefined torture. Claimed waterboarding not included. #fccruelbritannia
‘Did the Blair govt have a secret policy of torture?’@iancobain @frontlineclub ‘The answer’s in the book.’ @PortobelloBooks #cruelbritannia
David Davis MP surprised "level of active duplicity at the highest level" in British Government re involvement in torture. #cruelbritannia
Now looking at the historical context – did it work in Aden, did it work in WWII. Cobain says that there was experience in WWII re trying to find out about a “Fifth Column” – and the British Union of Fascists. And the use of torture with Nazi agents also in WWII. And the use of interrogation by British forces in Germany after WWII.
Baldwin says the terms get re-defined – “waterboarding is a redefinition of torture”.
How can torture have intimidating effect when done in secret asks Dr Ruth Blakely. Not secret for those being tortured #fccruelbritannia
Ruth Blakeley says that "torture is more about intimidation than intelligence gathering" #cruelbritannia @frontlineclub
Here’s Blakeley’s site: – HomeFull Profile @ruthblakeley I am a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Kent , Canterbury, UK. Current Research The Rendition Project Funded by the ESRC, The Rendition Project examines the ways in which the Bush administration developed a global system of detention sites, linked by the covert transfer of detainees across state borders.
This is Blakeley’s project:
The Rendition ProjectThe Rendition Project Welcome to The Rendition Project website. This site is the product of a collaborative research project between Dr Ruth Blakeley at the University of Kent and Dr Sam Raphael at Kingston University, funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council ( ESRC), and accredited under the Global Uncertainties programme.
CIA naive in the wake of 9/11 – hadn’t interrogated anyone for 25 years – David Davis #fccruelbritannia
David Davis argues that torture is also about revenge. #cruelbritannia
British torturers of Mau Mau believed they were a subhuman race, psychotic #fccruelbritannia
Now David Davis is talking about the difference between the FBI’s approach (interrogation devoid of difficult conditions) and that it was allowable psychological pressure and short of actual torture. And that of the CIA’s – for example the use of waterboarding. Panel looking at when things have gone too far. Davis says that there are legitimate uses of questioning and a certain permitted degree of psychological pressure – especially when other people’s lives may be in danger.
Dr Ruth Blakely : US detained and interrogated tens of thousands of people in Fallujah. Practice spread around world #fccruelbritannia
Blakeley mentions the CIA Inspector General’s report says waterboarding did not work nor was it safe and that it was torture:
IG Report: Waterboarding Was Neither "Efficacious Or Medically Safe"A CIA inspector general’s report from May 2004 that is set to be declassified by the Obama White House will almost certainly disprove claims that waterboarding was only used in controlled circumstances with effective results.
Dr Ruth Blakely: harder for orgs such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty to hold people to account with secret prisons #fccruelbritannia
Questioner says that the degree of secrecy and levels of corruption in the legal system mean that it can’t be changed and that the State has the power to cover it up and inhibit change.
Baldwin says that he feels that there are some things that mean there will be increasing visibility and the use of legal means to bring those in the British establishment responsible for torture to justice. 
Blakeley disagrees. Look at the Iraq enquiry she argues.  
David Davis says that the idea that this government, his government, is contemplating secret courts is "bloody disgraceful" #cruelbritannia
David Davis: secret courts "a bloody disgraceful proposal" #fccruelbritannia
Ian Cobain: I don’t think MI5 officers will be brought to account #fccruelbritannia
We’re almost getting to what needs to be done. 
 But we keep going back to the legal measures and structural issues. Need for more parliamentary oversight. 
But as Davis says, there’s not many votes in it. Actually quite the reverse if evidence from the USA is borne out in Britain.
Cobain says he told Blair that he knew of the secret torture policy and that he could prove it. That the result of Blair’s policy led to people being tortured. 
The Justice and Security Bill is very dangerous says Cobain – Davis seems to agree. There will be more secrecy and this will make the matters worse. All the panel seem to think that there is a “democratic deficit”. Blakeley argues for education of our children to think of their roles in a civil society.
Dr Ruth Blakely: no point talking about lesser cases of torture as if they had the chance would go further and further #fccruelbritannia
David Davis: people find it hard to believe that people can do this to their fellow men #fccruelbritannia
Dr Ruth Blakely: cultural imperatives like 24 set a dangerous agenda for views towards torture #fccruelbritannia
Ian Cobain: our political leaders know there are no votes in stopping terrorist suspects getting tortured #fccruelbritannia
David Davis calls present government "the current ruling elite" – with a cheeky grin #fccruelbritannia
However, the Gibson enquiry gets a mention and the “Long Grass” of public enquiries and the thought that the existing structures will resist investigation.
Here’s the Guardian’s take on it…
The Gibson inquiry: good riddanceSir Peter Gibson’s inquiry, which limped to a halt last week with the news of a fresh round of police investigations into official complicity in torture, has been decently put out of its misery.
…and the Daily Telegraph’s:
Gibson torture inquiry abandoned – Telegraph"But there now appears no prospect of the Gibson Inquiry being able to start in the foreseeable future. "So, following consultation with …
Need to put pressure on MPs to defeat the Justice and Security Bill – Baldwin says it’s very dangerous. 
“Democracy won’t save you on this” argues Davis re “being against torture”. It’s about our national honour.  He stresses the need for us to behave honourably – because that’s what we do and what we believe in.

A conversation…

Improvisation and creativity

A conversation

Storified by Brian_Condon · Sat, Oct 27 2012 14:48:17

Core of improvisation – have rules. "Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations." (Telier 2011) #designthingsTHE FISHTANK
The quote comes from Rollo May, and his book “The Courage to Create””Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem.”
Psychoanalyst Rollo May being interviewed in Swedish documentary Sagolandet from 1988
. @thefishtanksays "rules" maybe to precise – I think more in terms of loosely bound constraints for good improv….Brian_Condon
@brian_condon ‘Rules’ – too authoritative perhaps? Constraints yes, but still strict to define boundaries needed to move things forward.THE FISHTANK
. @thefishtanksays agree with "boundaries" but don’t like "strict" / have a look at "Oblique Strategies" by Eno/SchmidtBrian_Condon
Brian Eno on Later, 2001.
@brian_condon Will do. It’s also a case of context, I worked with a director who had a loose idea of improv = the show descended into chaos.THE FISHTANK
. @thefishtanksays Good point! Need to talk more on this outside the constraints of 140 characters! :)Brian_Condon
@brian_condon Ahh yes. Btw – I’ll be back in London on 14 Nov so shall pop by with a laptop in hand. :-)THE FISHTANK

NextGen12 – 9 October

Broadband for All?

Discussion at NextGen12 on the House of Lords Report

Storified by Brian_Condon · Tue, Oct 09 2012 01:53:54

mT @digiscot Broadband for All report being presented by Lord Inglewood #nextgen12 (links to pdf)
Lord Inglewood opens the day #nextgen12 "an alternative vision" – broadband for all
King of Spades now on stage at #nextgen12
Inglewood on Broadband for All: upload is as important as download #nextgen12
Lord Inglewood "on the whole politicians are ‘behind the curve’ on digital technologies" he says this has to change – #NextGen12
@brian_condon Better get on with planning Parliamentary Social Media Surgery #NextGen12
@johnpopham Good idea! He said there are notable exceptions – broadly though they have underestimated the impacts #nextgen12
Lord Inglewood thinks politicians are behind on "these things". File under admit first to be able to fix. A great thing! #nextgen12
Super fast broadband is a meangless thing to say! The goalpost moves! Fiber to everyone is the endgame! I like Lord Inglewood. #nextgen12
@Julianlstar yes – at least the HoL is having a go at it. Inglewood says “we need to open it up” need Open Access #nextgen12
Lord Inglewood coming our strongly against Net Neutrality. I fear the telcos have won political hearts and minds on that one. #nextgen12
What matters is to get about it in a proper way! This speech by Lord Inglewood may prove to provide quite a few good quotes! #nextgen12
@fiberguy but he also talked open access and competition. Maybe need to get close on him on that. #NextGen12
Matt Yardley of Analysys disagrees with HoL report – hub concept flawed he says #nextgen12
Chi Onwurah comes strongly for open access, but no one defines what they mean by that. Openreach says they’re Open Access… #nextgen12
Shadow Queen of Spades criticises current Spades approach but shares vision of King of Spades at #nextgen12 House of Hearts under attack!
Yardley criticises foundation of King of Spades report – and in doing so gets a weak applause at #nextgen12.
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice."You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.” #nextgen12
Lord Inglewood says that “we wouldn’t want to start from here” – but we have to deal with what we’ve got. Yardley says that he sees the HoL model being like sub-loop unbundling; and this hasn’t worked in Europe. He says that the hub concept proposed by the HoL report is flawed economically.
Francesco Caio says UK has done well on usage – need to make sure we equip our people for the future economy – this needs NGA #nextgen12
Yardley says that there are State Aid issues – Inglewood responds that there aren’t such issues if all networks are made open; providing the access is paid for on a realistic basis.

NextGen12 – 8 October 2012


Towards the digital economy

Storified by Brian_Condon · Tue, Oct 09 2012 01:39:22

This is a Storify around the NextGen 12 Conference in The City of Westminster, London. I’m chairing the conference and will also try to keep content moving into the Storify.
Lorne Mitchell tells a story (an allegory) at #nextgen12
I am at #NextGen12 today. Looking forward to Chairing a session on broadband policy. Good line up over the next 2 days!
Listening to a fireside story from @lornemitchell at #nextgen12
Listening to a story from Lorne Mitchell at #NextGen12. Hilarious.
#nextgen12 Find 10 of Spades, 5 of Spades, 2 of Spades, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs and the Joker to win today’s prize!
Peter Cochrane on stage at #NextGen12
Listening to Peter Cochrane OBE talk bandwidth and the future of data demand #NextGen12
Peter is going for the bigger picture and looking at what it means for the way we produce products and services. 3D printing is about shipping designs not shipping products.
#NextGen12. Peter Cochrane. Stellar show: take-away-"without hi-speed intelligence, we`re dead". Build better future bottom-up.
#NextGen12. PeterCochrane. next tech hot-spot= intersection of nano_AI+IT+Bio…
At NextGen conf, Prof Peter Cochrane -time to wake-up + stop sweating the small stuff, gear-shift thinking + change is needed #NextGen12
#NextGen12. PeterCochrane. User-Generated Design+ 3-D print= `Open Hardware`…
Peter Cochrane makes a good point re the west stumbling into the future with no plan. At #NextGen12
#NextGen12. PeterCochrane. Europe is (unlike Asia) on a random walk into the future. we can have vision, mission, plan too!
The need to stop talking and start doing driven home at #NextGen12. How did we end up with the mess that is BDUK?
RT @paulinerigby: RT @paulinerigby: Broadband: never have so many talked so long with so little effect – to paraphrase @PeterCochrane @ #nextgen12
RT @hugopickering: RT @hugopickering: Peter Cochrane makes a good point re the west stumbling into the future with no plan. At #NextGen12
@hugopickering #NextGen12 there is a plan, peter doesn’t like it, which is his right
"Fibre to home is futureproof and as much funding as possible should be devoted to it," says Karin Ahl of FTTH Council Europe #NextGen12
@Watchingtheflow Your plan Bill. Patching up the old phone network to protect your investment is Not Good Plan #nextgen12 #da12bb
#nextgen12 ‘Big plan is to cover the whole area’ Karin Ali. This means fibre, not copper phone lines. Say no to #fttc stopgaps.
"For every 1,000 new FTTH end users 80 new jobs are created," says Karin Ahl of FTTH Council Europe #NextGen12
Live blog #NextGen12 here
FT reports that DG Comp is ready to approve BDUK State Aid. Maybe @eurohumph will give an update at #nextgen12. Who blinked?
NextGen Events :: NextGen 12 – 8 & 9 October 2012 :: Live webcast from NextGen 12The UK’s independent focus for next generation broadband transformation as an essential foundation for economic growth, innovation and easier development.
#nextgen12 Prysmian’s Richard Thomas says biggest consumer of optical fiber is mobile not access – China Mobile doing fibre to the antenna.
Richard Thomas Prysmian Group presentation available for download #NextGen12 + live
Peter Cochrane said "stop talking and start building"; hearing from Richard Thomas, Prysmian about project in Almond in Scotland #NextGen12
RT @helenmilner: RT @helenmilner: Liv Garfield up now at #nextgen12 RT @finalninth: @nextgen12 The Queen of Hearts is on!
Liv Garfield up now at #nextgen12 RT @finalninth: @nextgen12 The Queen of Hearts is on!
RT @cyberdoyle: RT @cyberdoyle: Fibre on demand to rural areas not available. cos we aint got cabinets. so we stay on dial up? #nextgen12
Liv Garfield says no one needs more than 24 MB – can’t generate more than that from a family #nextgen12
BT are hiring former forces personel in Open Reach #NextGen12
Good! Liv Garfield says fibre in the great is no good unless people use it – growth for businesses and for communities #NextGen12 #BT
@brian_condon Please could she tell my kids that? #nextgen12
@ClaireatWaves she said that they can’t re-create or simulate the conditions or uses more than total of 24mbps per household. #NextGen12
Liv Garfield says BT is the only global company who is able to physically and commercially deliver fibre #NextGen12
@helenmilner Liv is a great speaker, but she believes the hype. Copper is not the future. #nextgen12
🙂 thx to @kat_braybrooke @brian_condon & #nextgen12 audience for great discussion re importance of digital inclusion & transparency. @OKFN
Really enjoyed the @kat_braybrooke and @helenmilner discussion at #NextGen12 – some delegates looked a bit scared I thought! 🙂
It’s ok though, we’re now back on more comfortable ground talking cloud and wireless infrastructure. #nextgen12
Nicholas James talking about mobile broadband for tenants – as the best solution #NextGen12 #digihousing
RT @kat_braybrooke: RT @kat_braybrooke: for more info re: the apps I referenced in #nextgen12 #digitalinclusion panel just now, links: @OKFN @openspending @ …
@danielheery sits in the balcony #nextgen12 under a sign that says ‘unfading splendour’ !
A lovely symmetry talking about future tech in beautiful old building MT @brian_condon: ‘unfading splendour’ #NextGen12helen milner
#nextgen12 The Joker in the pack which looks like a Brussels Sprout (with his rules on State Aid) continue to dominate the debate!
@brian_condon is sitting under banner "true light" exactly what his insightful chairing deliver ing at #nextgen12
@sivangr @openspending @schoolofdata i was mentioning apps + initiatives by @okfn that promote digital inclusion + literacy at #nextgen12 😉
@hokulele glad you enjoyed – was interesting (& important!) discussion. would like to hear more about your work! cc @helenmilner #nextgen12
RT @kat_braybrooke: I was mentioning apps + initiatives by @OKFN that promote digital inclusion + literacy at #nextgen12 😉 (@SchoolofData)
Then we split into 2 sessions running in parallel
"From Oxford Tweet to Leicester Share" session kicking off at #NextGen12 – all about how Westminster worked with O2 on free WiFi
O2 wifi in Westminster biggest outdoor free wifi in Europe #nextgen12
#nextgen12 Listening to Wesminster City Council and O2 talk about their WiFi project @ruckuswireless
There’s quite a bit of Tweeting from the rural broadband session
Scream if you want to go faster – rural broadband workshop streaming live from 4.30pm at join in at #nextgen12
#nextgen12 standing room only in Cambrian rural broadband break-out!
Joker Brussels Sprout thinking on Fixed Wireless networks being discussed at #nextgen12 rural broadband break-out
Licenced or Unlicenced for fixed wireless rural networks? That is the question at #nextgen12 breakout on rural broadband.
Fixed wireless quite capable of providing 35Mbps NGA with 40 years mean time before failure at #nextgen12 breakout on rural broadband
Hearing about allpay (wireless broadband) on the church towers in #Herefordshire at #NextGen12 How is it being used?
Church of England enlightened by supporting wireless schemes in from churches in Herefordshire, Norfolk & Kent! Elegant circle at #nextgen12
No whisky yet from Daniel Heery championing #fieryspirits at #nextgen12.
@danielheery outlining challenges for rural broadband schemes: weather, powercuts, coordination, & finance are some at #nextgen12
@danielheery outlining challenges for rural broadband schemes: weather, powercuts, coordination, & finance are some at #nextgen12
Knave of Diamonds all over the place at #nextgen12. The rise and rise of community "fiery spirits" very exciting at #nextgen12 !!
Real worries on risk of bankrolling schemes when Wildcard Hearts go and trump your local scheme at #nextgen12

‘Negotiating the Maze – State Aid & Next Generation Broadband’

Understanding and Debating the Issues – an INCA Seminar

The Programme is in four sections:
1) The European Dimension
The first session on the agenda focuses on the European dimension, Europe’s ambitions, the 2020 targets, the new draft State Aid Guidelines, CEF, different models for deployment and what we need to do in the UK and Europe to achieve the targets. The speakers contributing in this session include Hervé Dupuy, European Commission, Tony Shortall of Telage and Chris Holden of Corning and the FTTH Council Europe.
2) State Aid in the UK
The second section deals with practical experience from the UK in both urban and rural projects, plus some of the higher level issues about where we are going with the BDUK process. In this session we will hear from David Cullen, INCA Board and former CEO of NYnet, Raj Mack, Head of Digital Birmingham which has recently gained approval for their Ultrafast project and Dave Carter, Chair of INCA and Head of Manchester Digital Development Agency.
3) State Aid & the Private Sector
In the third session we will hear from two key private sector players – Mark Collins, of City Fibre Holdings and Nick James of UK Broadband giving their perspective on how private investment and state aid can best work together with FTTH and Wireless networks.
Also Felipe Florez Duncan from Oxera Consulting, who will speak about the economic aspects of state aid. Oxera produced the widely respected report ‘How A Co-investment Model Could Boost Investments in NGA Networks’, published by Vodafone.
4) State Aid Compliance & the New Draft Guidelines
The final session includes Duncan Gillespie of DLA Piper who will explain some of the key issues in project design, with Louise Lancaster, INCA’s Policy & Regulatory advisor, who has analysed the new draft State Aid guidelines from a UK, non-incumbent perspective.

Here’s the Full Agenda:

INCA State Aid Seminar Programme

And here’s the liveblog where I’ll be making notes and collecting Tweets by participants and others.

NextGen12 – Southwest and Bristol

Southwest and Bristol NextGen12

Smarter Connections

Storified by Brian_Condon · Tue, Jul 24 2012 01:42:27

At Bristol – great place and getting ready for #nextgen12
Here’s the Agenda:
NextGen Events :: Bristol – 17 July :: AgendaThe UK’s independent focus for next generation broadband transformation as an essential foundation for economic growth, innovation and easier development.
The Lord Mayor of Bristol is now welcoming us #NextGen12 Ahl
RT @ireneclng: Nemode has a new flyer! #nextgen12 Batista
RT @UofEBusiness: We’re jointly hosting a digital roadshow in Bristol with @EventsNextGen on 17 July #NextGen12 @rsmaull
The use and experience of what we bought was what made us happy – it was the experience of what we bought that gave us the outcomes we sought. Value is more than an exchange – it’s being co-created. Through ‘use’ in context.
In the past, the only way to use something was to own it.
Ownership used to be the way to gain value – but digitisation changes that #nextgen12 Irene Ng
Digital world allows us to consider the value of usage as distict from ownership, the immediacy of service on demand @ireneclng #NextGen12
@ireneclng at # nextgen12 talking about new contexts for value in #digitalbritain
Let’s see what #NextGen12 got up it’s sleeve. Fibre to the Brits?
@ireneclng at #nextgen12 digitisation = collapse of ‘buy’ & ‘use’ into same space. Don’t need to ‘own’ to use eg spotify youtube
Digital world allows us to consider the value of usage as distict from ownership, the immediacy of service on demand @ireneclng #NextGen12
@ireneclng #nextgen12 digitisation has created an exponential demand for use
The new battleground is context argues Irene – and this needs to be thought of in terms of what is available at the time.
@ireneclng Digitisation creates explosion of demand & use. But only small amount can be captured commercially. Context is key. #nextgen12
Context drives value – and competency is an avatar of value – @ireneclng at #nextgen12
Abundance of revenues in service; it’s the ability of objects in context that drive value. Things that are trying to serve contexts better – will deliver value in future markets.
@ireneclng wealth generation of the future is not products in a supermarket, but in ‘context’ of product or service #nextgen12
#NextGen12 Keynote Prof Irene Ng – Professor of Marketing and Service Systems at WMG, University of Warwick, Love her presentation!
"Digitisation + data is the new oil. Context is the new oil field" argues @ireneclng at #nextgen12
Contextual invariances and looking at “messy” [ie realistic] contexts.
Dealing with "messy" contexts where everything is connected – new resources are created. #nextgen12 @ireneclng
From contextual mess to contextual modularity.
Placing the Internet of Things in context by @ireneclng
There’s a land grab for ‘drilling’ in context.
RT @drgeep: @brian_condon @ireneclng – its good stuff. Context is all. Most people will nod but won’t get it. The message needs reinforc …
Stephen Hilton – Super-Connected Cities Why Bother
Cities are about producing collisions – collisions between businesses and users, councils and their customers. Got interested in connectivity and got outside the Council House – based at the Watershed for Connecting Bristol.
Stephen Hilton on Superconnected Cities at #nextgen12
Bristol has 90m automated readings from Council buildings alone each year. Data volumes will explode when everything is connected. Steve says we need applications and interfaces to make send of this.
"Symmetrical connectivity needs to become the norm for our businesses" #nextgen12 says Stephen Hilton of Bristol Futures
Transformational infrastructure in Bristol by Steve Hilton
Existing cooperative approach to PSN – linking infrastructures.
@StephenHilton Challenge: telco industry mindset splits work & entertainment, but we use connectivity interchangeably. #nextgen12
@StephenHilton Companies like Aardman with army of freelancers, large files in cloud, can’t get the connectivity they need #nextgen12
Stephen Hilton talks about Bristol city council existing connectivity – wifi, public sector network #nextgen12
NextGen Events :: Bristol – 17 July :: PresentationsEvents Register now for free to receive our newsletter. About us NG Events Ltd produces unique, high quality conferences, events and study tours including – now in its 5th year – the NextGen programme of events. NG Events Ltd is directed by Marit Hendriks and Andrew Macdonald. Events
@StephenHilton Urban BB Fund bid, Gigabit Bristol showcase for SMEs and consumers. They’re coming so we need to build it #nextgen12
Gigabit Bristol picking up that symmetrical essential to business #impressive #nextgen12 #digitalbritain via @TwitPicPete Woolaghan
Project structure for Gigabit Bristol from Steve Hilton #nextgen12
Innovation comes from the collisions and clashes between people from different communities – and disciplines. And we get to talk to businesses in new ways and to experiment – it’s not just about procurement it’s -about. Wider context.
Superconnected cities – why bother? Stephen Hilton’s wisdom. #nextgen12
Adam Ashenden – Prysmian Group Fibre to the Home from Start to Finish
Adam Ashenden from Prydmian talks about a real project in Almond, Scotland #nextgen12
Adam uses practical experience on projects to talk about how these technologies can be deployed – using existing infrastructure to help to reduce costs. Scaling up the network but with reduced size components. Adam says that there are lots of technologies available – and it’s important to understand how they all fit together; and for those involved in projects – whether from local authorities or local communities to have a grasp of how the networks are built. You may want local people involved in digging trenches and providing other access to infrastructure.
Adam ashenden of prysmian talking abt latest on cable & fibre-tackling last mile of connectivity thru coproducing-cheaper! #NextGen12
RT @rsmaull: #nextgen12, co-creating a network, dig your own hole in the garden.
@brian_condon Ppl don’t realise the connectedness is to enable simplicity & creativity. Like sewers enabled liveable 19C cities. #nextgen12
@Acuity_Design yes – wise and we need to remember that I agree! #NextGen12
Superfast Cornwall
Listening to Julian (Cornwall Dev company) and (BT) on #NextGen12
BT announce deal with North Yorkshire for superfast broadband #bduk #nextgen12
Ramulf Scarborough announces that BT are partnering with N Yorks with BDUK money #nextgen12
Ranulf Scarbrough BT announces 70 million partnership between North Yorkshire and BT @BDUK @Watchingtheflow #NextGen12 Bristol
£132m partnership of BT, EU, Cornwall council fm sep 2010, 5yrs, 4000 new jobs #NextGen12
Internet revolution under way in rural Yorkshire with £70m deal – Main Section – Yorkshire PostA COMMUNICATIONS revolution will be launched in North Yorkshire today as the council unveils details of its much-vaunted plan to bring high-speed internet connections to every home and business in England’s most rural county.
Interesting to hear about the tension between raising awareness and managing expectations for the Superfast Cornwall project #NextGen12
Julian Cowans from the Superfast Cornwall project speaks about the importance of digital inclusion #nextgen12
Evaluating the impact is an important work stream it’s – about new jobs and GVA developed.
Karin Ahl President Fibre to the Home Council Europe
Karin Ahl argues that FTTH is the way ahead and their case studies show that #nextgen12
NextGen watching #nextgen12 when current gen talks. @KarinAhl Ahl
Karin shows the statistics for the EU
@KarinAhl talks abt global panorama for FTTH #NextGen12 Ng
FTTH Council EU looking to understand why take-up much lower in EU than CIS countries #nextgen12
FTTH council Europe wants to see every household in Europe connected to broadband by 2020 #NextGen12
@brian_condon A: because the incumbent is dead set on leaching remaining assets from old phone networks in EU? #da12bb #nextgen12
@brian_condon B: because the telecom lobby has completely hoodwinked funders and policy makers #da12bb #nextgen12
@brian_condon but perhaps the FTTH council EU knows all this and is going to expose it all? #nextgen12
Weird that fibre to the home is being assumed as only broadband future at #NextGen12 Absent q of what value it actually brings to an econ.
@samkinsley -it is the FTTH Council Europe slot :). We’re hearing about Wireless Cities later. Panel debate next. Ask a q? #NextGen12
@samkinsley prob the answer to why fibre penetration is lower in western Europe #whattodowithlegacy #NextGen12
@KarinAhl Why do we need #ftth? 1 New services eg tele-health need greater reliabiity. 2 ISPs can offer more services, ARPU #nextgen12
Panel Discussion
Panel discussion on challenges and benefits from digital developments #NextGen12 Ng
I moderated this panel and had no ‘clockcycles’ left for blogging or tweeting. So thanks to everyone for keeping the tweets going.
Discussn on access & inclusion in digital spaces. Availability does not mean access. Relevance as well. Shift 4 public services #NextGen12
Are we worried about the control or regulation of content and Internet – yes #NextGen12 #FTTH #unbundle #innovation
Data creation will change. <- yes. Don’t just assume the big data is the right data #NextGen12
@john_hunt mentioning health care and need for change in this type of service #NextGen12
Integration of services – is not just software and apps but also with the widgets – we now just use phone/computer/TV #NextGen12
How to include ppl who do not want to use technology, when they are the ones that cd be best served by it #NextGen12
RT @KarinAhl: FTTH does not exclude Fibre to other premises #NextGen12 #FTTH
If ppl had more ownershp of data they gener8, how wd they do thngs differtly. <- why ppl r not ‘things’ in #IoT #peoplearebetter #NextGen12
Just finished moderating a panel debate- thanks to everyone for the questions and discussion #nextgen12
RT @EventsNextGen: Ben Shrive UK Broadband now speaking #NextGen12 Bristol – download his presentation here
UK Broadband build a network for Swindon @Swindonnews #NextGen12 in Bristol
If ppl had more ownershp of data they gener8, how wd they do thngs differtly. <- why ppl r not ‘things’ in #IoT #peoplearebetter #NextGen12

News:Rewired – look at the liveblogs

I’m at News:Rewired and it’s notable how many people are liveblogging.

Of course there’s the maestro Adam Tinworth

Here is the link to his post – click on the picture:

And there’s the ‘official’ liveblog – which is completely ignoring Twitter – how odd…


Click on the picture above and you can see the  Official Liveblog.

I decided that there was so much liveblogging activity that I’d collect all the tweets from the Hashtag #newsrw.  And then have a think about what else I might do. Such as this post.

You can see examples of how I use liveblogging tools such as CoveritLive and Storify in other areas of this blog.

It has to be said though – @Adders is extraordinary!

More later.


News:Rewired – The news stream: Lessons in live digital news reporting

Closing plenary!

In breaking or developing news situations, with audiences wanting to know the latest and most up-to-date pieces of information, many news outlets have introduced live streaming approaches to their news output, from liveblogs to more permanent pages dedicated to the streaming of the latest news snippets, images and social media content. The final panel will discuss the different approaches to this real-time reporting of news online, the decision making processes behind it and its impact on process within the newsroom.

With: Jason Mills, editor, web for ITV News; Raju Narisetti, managing editor, Wall Street Journal Digital Network; Patrick Heery, UK editor, BBC News website; Pete Clifton, executive editor, MSN; Ben Schneider, senior director and general manager for CoveritLive, Demand Media. Moderated by Kathryn Corrick, digital media consultant