What does the future hold for universities? What could the role of the university be in the Big Society? As part of the Inside/Out Festival the University of London hosts a debate on the issue.
May Chien Busch, MCB Enterprises, ex Chief Operating Officer Morgan Stanley Europe
Professor Geoffrey Crossick, Vice-Chancellor, University of London
Professor AC Grayling, Birkbeck, University of London
Professor Rick Rylance, Chief Executive, Arts and Humanities Research Council
Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister of State for the Universities and Science
Anne McElvoy, New Statesman Columnist and Executive Editor of the London Evening Standard.
I’m liveblogging the event using a web-based service called CoveritLive
[Please note that the liveblog is my notes taken in realtime at the event and not a transcript – happy to take any comments or corrections].