Tag Archives: data

MyDex – William Heath

Mydex – William Heath

Approaching the control of personal data

Storified by Brian_Condon · Thu, May 17 2012 10:52:53

RT @markbraggins: Now listening to William Heath @MydexCIC talking about ‘the next technology that will change the world’ #futr http://t.co/37ZeMLcL
@MydexCIC "People will only change their behaviour if it’s convenient for them" #futr
SOme interesting insights from the Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge http://t.co/e43eBFwV at #futr anyone read it?
The issue, says William Heath, is involving people in owning and managing their personal data easily rather than exporting all that data and leaving it in the hands of your suppliers. But it needs to be really easy.
Mydex is potentially really useful & may intrinsically change the way public sector customer services deliver services. #futr
Faire trade for personal data #futr @FuturEverything
@MydexCIC "You live everything in your own life, and want a holistic view" of your data #futr
Range of personal data stores of which Mydex is just one. #futr
Excellent approach to control of personal data from William Heath of Mydex CIC bit.ly/JxxoqS #futr twitpic.com/9m13bsBrian_Condon
Mydex connecting with BBC/the Space, local authorities, professional bodies. How about alumni? #futr
Very interesting to hear William Heath present @MydexCIC – check it out if u’re concerned about online identity and security. #futr
Feeling a bit paranoid about personal data…thankfully my tesco club card is in @KatieHarrison8 name! #iwin #futr
Man, we were competing with zombies?? Great that the session was so well attended. Thanks #FUTR